Online Vendors: Review on Oju_Igo (Glasses Frames)

Let’s review Online Vendors.

A friend of mine and I came across a car with a peculiar paint. It seemed the color alternated between blue and purple depending on the angle you look at it from and the lightrays falling on it. We both agreed that this was unique and still pleasant.

This observation led to talks about glassesframes because our other friend had a frame with similar effects as the car’s paint. She got the frame from Metroeyes. Read my review on them here.

Today, I’ll be reviewing Oju_Igo, an online vendor of frames.

1. Aesthetics: 4🌟. Her online page is beautiful and well representative of what she sells. Images of the frames are well presented with their prices attached. It has some other products not related to frames but they don’t distract.

2. ProductQuality: 5🌟. I really feel like giving her way more than the five stars. Her frames are highly recommended and trust me as I have bought and still intend to buy more. Strong, sturdy and beautiful. Photochromic, blue-light filter and well fitting.

3. Timing/Delivery: 4🌟. She responds swiftly to direct messages, delivers nationwide and her delivery fee is pocket friendly.

4. Pricing: 4🌟. For someone who has a penchant for amassing frames, Oju_Igo would be my first stop. She is one of the Online Vendors that provide affordablequality.

Overall: 4.3🌟. Just Amazing!

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