Chicken Republic, Abeokuta: A Customer’s Review.

Let’s do restaurant reviews.
Venue: Chicken republic, Abeokuta.

1. Aesthetics: 3.5🌟. Most of the outlets have the same basic white, red and cream colors. While those may be their official colors, they need to at least be bold. The restaurant is well lit and the setting is spacious enough. It also has some private-ish chairs.

2. Location: 3.5🌟. Very easy to locate. And it’s easy to get transport in and out. But, this place is mighty close to the road. It doesn’t help at all that it’s at a major roundabout.

3. Staff: 2.5🌟. Nope, nope, nope. These guys are rarely happy. It’s a range of sour looks and impatience. I hope the management looks into more staff motivation and encouragement.

4. Timing: 3🌟. This is weird for people who don’t have to cook from scratch. You find yourself sitting and waiting for so long, you begin to wonder what it is exactly you ordered that’s taking so much time.

5. Pricing: 4.🌟. Yeah, Chiken Republic is not that wallet smashing. Quite reasonable and affordable. It would take multiple dates for their prices to leave a real dent in your account.

6. CulinarySkills: 3🌟. There was a time I’d give anything for their chicken but now, well, I doubt it. They need to look into their rice varieties too. Pastries are still safe.

Overall: 3.3🌟. Maybe a wake up call.💪

Royal Mandarin got reviewed too.

Chicken Republic

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