The last time I had a laptop I could call my own and actually use to do stuff was about five years ago. I was not an avid laptop user even then but at least, I got to exchange movies, collect slides and textbooks and even appear to be serious like my other medical student friends. It was also something I had to hide from the Mr. Idia (popular nickname for the thief/thieves that visited our Idia hostel in University of Ibadan then.

One night, it suffered an irreparable damage, its screen broke and it was never the same again. Ink started flowing from under it and I could no longer view the icons or perform anything meaningful on it. It was sad and what made it more sad was that it happened just before I was to transition from being a preclinical student to being a clinical student.

I thought I would get a new laptop as a gift once I passed MB1 only to find myself among the many students who were scammed the same way by their parents.

I had to find a way to keep writing for my blog, for school, for fellowship and other extracurricular activities. I turned to my phone and found that I could actually do a whole lot with it.

  1. 2. 3. 4. 5. years. I wrote and passed three other MBs in those years and still did not get a laptop.

Started house job, went almost halfway and NOW… I present to you my new baby, “CHEKWAA”.

just look at those cute keypads
appreciate the purple, lilac, grey combo and the width of this baby
and all these ports….shhhhhh
look at how serious I look. just look at!!!


Chekwaa is a beauty!!!

First of, she is a mixture of purple, lilac and grey. Absolute delight!!! And, yes, Chekwaa is a she. Don’t even go there.

She is wide though, 15.6″. I thought I was going to be getting something smaller, more portable like my friend, Dami, but I just had to forego that for the greater good.

She connects to WiFi, Bluetooth, works well with my previously abandoned Airtel modem, has two USB ports… Type C, can be used with a projector, heck, can connect to a TV!!!

Has 8GB RAM and 512GB SSD. I get both storage and speed in one. And she works with Windows 10.

I waited so long for this laptop. I had lost touch with how to even use one. I had adapted so much to typing on a phone and I feared that my fingers had mutated along the way. But, barely twelve hours into getting to know Chekwaa, my fingers are gliding smoothly over the key pads, my eyes are appreciating a wider view for reading and my blog is definitely happier.

Thanks to broĀ  D and the Knight for being technical supports in the purchase of this baby. Thanks to Ope Odubayo for being there while I unveiled this baby. And thanks to Ibibaby for gushing and awwwing with me over this baby.

PEACHES, thank you for the name, “Chekwaa’.


PS: I do not even know what Chekwaa means and guess what? I do not care!!!







About the Author

5 thoughts on “CHEKWAA JUST ARRIVED!!!

  1. Awwww….I’m so so excited for youuuu…congratulations on getting this absolute delight. It was worth the waitšŸ˜Š

    1. šŸ’ƒšŸ’ƒšŸ’ƒšŸ’ƒYes dear, totally worth the wait. Thank you plenty.

  2. Chekwa babyšŸ’ƒšŸ¾šŸ’ƒšŸ¾šŸ’ƒšŸ¾šŸ’ƒšŸ¾. I thought you would talk about how Chekwa came to bešŸ˜‚

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