Kidnapping: Stockholm Sade.
As if it mattered if they died or lived. Nobody knew where they were or
As if it mattered if they died or lived. Nobody knew where they were or
Story of my first birthday picture.
A short introduction to short nonfiction stories.
Dear Good Citizen of Palette Land, Our attention has been drawn to a
Ladies,Colors and gentlemen, I am Purple and I am not a primary color. Today,
There is an ongoing war between colors and representatives of the aggrieved parties are rising up to the challenge, throwing petition after petition.
The Newspaper Headline was bold and splashed in the Color of the Day; Color of
The next decision to make was on the logistics of the journey. My father was
“Should I bother to plug this phone?” 10.58 pm, it will soon be lights out.
You know all that talk about left brain users and right brain users? I am not sure what side of my brain I use for medical practice (I think it’s the whole thing I use), but, I discovered that a part of my brain is quite creative.
That is the part that gave birth to my ‘scriptings’ and photography shootings and editing thereof. I figured those things can conveniently occupy the same space.
So, here we are.